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A member registered Aug 27, 2017

Recent community posts

That was a lot of fun.

Good job!

I shall check it out!

Good job with that update! Also no Bugs at all in my playthroughs.

That is Brilliant!

This is going to be good. 

The pleasure was all mine!


Dont ask me what this game is doing in a Halloween Special.

After this game I think I want Pennywise the dancing clown to teach me how to float.

P.S I thought it was pretty funny.

This game was played in my halloween special. It spooked me good a couple of times.

This game was played on my halloween special. Thanks to this game I am going to read the story.

This game was played on my halloween special! The game was fun and interesting, Good job!

Your game was featured in my Halloween Special! It was a pretty cool game! Splendid job!

This game made me laugh and cringe at the same time! Great job!

No problem I really enjoyed it!

Great and spooky game! I can not wait to play more of these games!

Amazing as always! Love the little easter egg!

This is gonna be good.

What is this I hear about a Scooby Horror 2?

Probably the scariest game I have ever played. Great Job!

Love that lake part! Keep up the amazing work!


Glad I could be of help! I kinda want to play it again now to see all the stuff you have added.

The pleasure was all mine :)

Love the game! Brings back many memories!

This game made my day!